2014년 9월 1일 월요일

Obey the emperor eocha, 순종황제 어차, Shincheonji The chaiots of God!!!

Obey the emperor eocha, 순종황제 어차

순종의 황후인 순정효왕후가 탔던 어차
영국의 테일러 사가 제작한 리무진이다.
7인승, 20마력, 4기통 엔진, 배기량 3,300cc로 연식은 1914년으로 추정된다.
차체는 목재이고, 외부는 칠로 도장하였다.
전 세계적으로는 3대만 남아있고, 한국에는 현존하는 최고 오래된 자동차로 순종황제 어차와 함께 자동차 발달사는 물론 황실의 생활상 등을 연구하는데 아주 중요한 역사자료이다

Eocha boarded the Empress of genuine obedience queen effect
Taylor saga of England is made ​​limousines.
A 07-seat, 20-horsepower, four-cylinder engine, displacement 3,300cc year is estimated to be 1914.
The Body is a timber, fill and seal were outside.
Is a worldwide remains third in Taiwan, to study the life of the imperial family in Korea, such as the oldest car in existence with obedience to the emperor and the History of eocha car history data, as well as very important.

순종황제 어차
미국의 GM사의 캐딜락 리무진이다.
7인승, 31.25마력, 8기통 엔진, 배기량 5.153cc로 연식은 1918년경으로 추정된다.
차체는 철재가 아닌 목재이고 외부는 칠로 도장하였다.
차문에는 대한제국 황실의 문장인 황금색 오얏꽃 장식을 붙였고, 내부는 오얏꽃 무늬의 황금색 비단으로 꾸며져 있다.
전체적인 형태가 마차와 비슷한 모습을 하고 있어 초기 자동차 모델의 특징을 잘 보여주고 있는 자동차로, 전 세계적으로 20대만 남아있다.

Obey the emperor eocha
The GM's Cadillac limousine in the United States.
A 07-seater, 31.25 horsepower, 08-cylinder engine, displacement 5.153cc year is estimated to be circa 1918.
The body is steel, not wood, and exterior paint was fill.
Ohyat stuck a golden floral ornament on doors in the statement of the Imperial Empire, decorated with golden silk floral ohyat inside.
And the overall shape looks like wagons and there remain 20 in Taiwan by car in the world to show the characteristics of the early car models, ...

Did you know that the chariots of God was?
In Shincheonji will be notified about your chariots of God.


2014년 8월 27일 수요일

Jeongipumsong, Jo seon and Pine Trees

 Jeongipumsong, Jo-seon and Pine Trees

소나무는 소나무의 변치않는 지조와 충절, 꿋꿋한 선비의 이미지와 조선 시대의 기본 이념인 유교사상과 잘 맞아져서 조선시대에 매우 사랑받던 나무입니다.
특히, 조선시대의 궁궐은 소나무로만 지었는데, 나무가 뒤틀리지 않고, 벌레가 먹지 않으며, 송진이 있어 습기에 잘 견디기 때문이라고 합니다.

Pine is unchanging constancy and loyalty of the pine, and the image of kkutkkuthan so right scholars of Confucian ideology and basic principles of the Joseon Dynasty Joseon era very well beloved trees.
Especially, the palace of the Joseon Dynasty is not only eotneunde pine beetle does not eat the wrong tree behind, it is because the resin to resist moisture well.

조선시대의 유명한 소나무인 정이품송입니다.
정이품송은 조선 7대 임금인 세조가 속리산 법주사에 행차할 때, 소나무가 스스로 가지를 들어올려 길을 내 주었다고 하여, 이에 감동받은 세조가 정이품 벼슬을 주었고, 그 때 부터 '정이품송으로 불리고 있습니다.

The famous pine jeongyipum Song of the Joseon Dynasty. When you come to Korea 7 Songni beopjusa jeongyipum Song of the King Sejo, the pine branches gave himself up for me the way, who gave the impression this is jeongyipum crest Sejo, you called 'a jeongyipum song from that time.

I get the tree in the Bible.
Do not you wonder what the Bible tree?
If you want to know, come to Shincheonji.


2014년 8월 17일 일요일

Gyeonggyojang ,경교장,Kim Koo, Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea,Independence Korea

Gyeonggyojang ,경교장,Kim Koo,

Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea,Independence Korea

Seoul Tangible Cultural Asset No. 129 on 6 April 2001, as Historical Site paragraph 424, on 13 June 2005, that wrap the designation as a state. Pyeong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul Metropolitan Government on. Kim Shin, a former member of the Provisional Government of the pillars that were used his office and headed to a historical place.

Ehwajang of Rhee (梨花莊), the center of the Kim Kyu-sik the centerpiece of the activities of the country before the founding of government with (三淸莊) the cradle " big three. Make money from a gold mine, 1938, 崔昌學) (choechanghak 396.69 ㎡ architectural area, the list on the Architectural 945.45 two stories and first basement (DFR) built into scale and in the 1930s, and shows how the art of buildingThere is... Original name of the 竹添莊). (jukcheomjang choechanghak after the liberation of the Liberation is in near it provided in the abode of Kim Koo, instead of the Japanese name is Kim Gu was jukcheomjangiraLateral tilt ; Catholicism to around [京橋 leg Gyeonggyojang after the world changed the names called.] "

Beautiful and graceful front split is proportional to the second floor yanggwan, sikyeotgo projecting the left and right circular window on the first floor, and as the chairman of the upper part of the building are centrosome. Deulim found five arch window with 6 Attachment columnar porch on the second layered structure.

When bantak led the unification movement, National, Kim Gu were often termed the 'Seodaemun gyeonggyojang', was used as the contact of people gathered camp personnel. It is also the place June 26, 1949, and died by the anduhui hyungtan (安 斗 熙) Kim Gu is in office.

Since been returned to choechanghak was again used as the Taiwan Embassy doedaga 06, 25 when the war such as the United States special forces troops changed owners several times. Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, has been used as the main building to buy the Samsung Foundation in 1967. Seoul was later reproduced in the form of time, as it has dudoe agreed to restore the entire space was used in the temporary government ownership. It was open to the public from March 2, 2013.

Gyeonggyojang ,경교장,Kim Koo, Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea,Independence Korea

2014년 8월 14일 목요일

사릉, 思陵, Sareung Royal Tomb · Royal Tomb of Queen Jeongsun

사릉, 思陵 

Sareung Royal Tomb · Royal Tomb of Queen Jeongsun 

Danjonghada sterilize the king of Chosun, the sixth (端宗 1441 to reign, and 1457 ∼ 1452 and 1455) Jeong-soon 定順王后 (1440 to Queen's wife, 1521) of the tombs. Historic site was designated in 209 26 May 1970. Jeong-soon who replaced The queen was in 1521 (16) at age 82, June 4, revitalize the men left the world don't have sterilization of Yangju, Gyeonggi Province, the princess's sister, gyeonghye 媤家 () visits the tomb, the market price to make all. 


King Sukjong's (1691, is sterilization that had been a steel bar, and at 魯山君 (nosangun by 7) chubong, and at great force (魯山大君 legalized Danjong Sukjong of 24 November, to be be reinstated (1698. At this time, Sareung Jeong-soon regression control of the queen mother, and included the tomb received (思陵), a neungho. 

Sareung, with byeongpungseok nanganseok not installed the item, mound 1 head of the table in front of the peaks, 1 pair, a pair of stone was erected on the sides of the place of honor. Mound around sunset (lagoon) and 石羊 石虎) (each 1 pair were posted, and 3 sides of the opposite direction ; under one's breath) is wrapped the wall (gokjjang 曲墻. The skirting located in the bottom of the door complete confidence concerning ···

사릉, 思陵, Sareung Royal Tomb · Royal Tomb of Queen Jeongsun 

2014년 4월 8일 화요일

수제인형 만들기에 도전중

요새 수제인형 만들기에 도전하려구 해요.
손바느질은 정말 자신없긴 하지만....
요게 참 재미가 있어보여서 ㅋㅋㅋ

문화센터에 있는 인형들 사진 찍어 와 보았네요...
너무나 깜찍한 수제인형들....
꼭 예쁘게 만들어 볼래요~

2014년 4월 3일 목요일

Go - Eun kindergarten

Go - Eun kindergarten

My daughter moved the kindergarten last month.

I hope she will be find there.

It so nice building and teacher's very kind!

My daughter wanted to me to tell something after class.

she said "Mommy I',m home and I will be good girl!"

I proud of her.

I love her very much!!!!

2014년 3월 5일 수요일

경기도 안산시의 명물? 꽃잎 비빔밥 flower bibimbab

얼마전 여행박람회에 갔다가 맛보고 온 꽃잎 비빔밥, flower bibimbab 입니다.

이걸 먹을 수 있을까 했는데....

왠걸 아주 맛있더라구요.^^ㅋ

여느 비빔밥과 같이 

나물야채를 넣고, 고추장에 꽃잎을 섞어 먹는 꽃잎비빔밥!

It  rice, some vegetables  Korean hot pepper paste and Flowers.
ie. boiled rice with assorted mixtures.

비비면 요런 모양입니다.
맛은 여느 비빔밥과 똑같아요...
아주 맛나답니다.

It's so delicious!!!

담에 안산에 가시거나 기회가 되시면 꼭 한번 맛보시길 바랄게요~

2014년 3월 2일 일요일

Tongdosa temple

Tongdosa temple

This Buddhist temple is one of Korea's " Three Jewel Temples" together with Haeinsa and Songgwangsa temples.
It has more than 1,000 years of history.

While the temple has numerous treasures and cultural Geumgang Stairs are designated as National Treasure No 290.
The wooden main hall named Daeungjeon does not have a Buddha's statue because it has the Geumgang Stairs leading to a building where sariras, the creamated remains of the Buddha's are kept -- a symbol of Buddha's eternal pressense at the temple.

2014년 2월 28일 금요일

건강상식, health common sense

Health common sense

물에 대한 건강상식: 

물은 언제 얼마만큼 마셔야 하는가에 대한 

전문가의 권고입니다.

다 같이 알고 건강을 지킵시다!!!!

1. Drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body.
- 일정 시간에 물을 마시면 몸에 미치는 효과가 극대화 된다.

2. Glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs.
- 아침에 눈 뜬 후 물 두잔은 인체 내부 기관을 활성화 시킨다.

3. 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal  - helps digestion.
- 식사 30분 전 물 한잔은 소화를 돕는다.

4. 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure.
- 목욕 전 물 한 잔은 혈압을 낮추어 준다.

5. 1 glass of water before going to bed helps prevent against storke and heart attack.
- 취침전 물 한 잔은 뇌졸중이나 심장마비를 예방한다.

잘 읽어두셨다가 꼭 건강을 지킨다면 좋을 것 같습니다.

2014년 2월 21일 금요일

Vietnam Restaurant - 하롱베이

Vietnam Restaurant - 하롱베이

I met my buddies in Daegu.
We have good time for dinner.

Vietnam  restaurant - 하롱베이 is so nice.

This food is 월남쌈
It's delicious.

2014년 2월 11일 화요일

FROZEN OST : Let it go

FROZEN OST : Let it go

Today is my English class.
I learned Frozen Ost : Let it go.
It is beautiful and powerful song.
I love it.
Sing together!!!!

Frozen is Disney animation!

8,000,000 audiences saw the movie in Korea.
it's amazing!

2014년 2월 6일 목요일

The memory of last Christmas!!!

 The memory of last Christmas!!! 

Hi there!

long time no see.
I'm very busy & had a bad cold.  ㅜㅜ

But I'm fine!!!!

She is my daughter.
She is seven years old  ^^
My Precious darling!!!!

When was your the happist time?

2014년 1월 28일 화요일


in Korea  ~2.2

It's so interested.
My daughter is very happy disney characters.

snow white & Prince

Mikey mouse & mini, Donarld Duck, Goofy


Piter pan

So nice time!!!!

2014년 1월 27일 월요일

Making Spaghetti

Making Spaghetti

 Ingredients: noodle, beef,onion,mushroom,garlic,salt,pepper,tomato,ham,carrot,
                   spaghetti sauce

1. fill the pot with water and put a bit of salt and boil the spaghetti noodle for 3 to 4 minutes.
2. rinse the boiled noodle with a cold water and let the wetness go away.
3. slice the carrots, mushrooms, onions, and hams in a eatable sixe.
4. parboil the tomatoes and rinse it with cold water, the peel of the skin and slice them into small pieces.
5. Melt the butter and oil in a pot and put in the sliced vegetables and put the sauce that is sold in market and cook them toghther.
6. When the sauce is okey, season it with salt and pepper.
7. In a wide frying pan, parch the spaghetti noodle that was boiled with oil and butter.
8. parch the spaghetti with ham and sesson it with salt.
9. Put the parched spaghetti noodles on plate.
10. On the surface, pour the sauce.
11.Sprinkle the parsley powder on it and eat it.


Today, I make spaghetti with my English class.
It was so delicious!!!!
It was good time, sharing with good friends.

2014년 1월 22일 수요일

Wise saying : 링컨님의 명언 손글씨 써보았어요~

Wise saying

링컨 대통령의 명언 저두 써보았어요~

손글씨의 매력에 푸욱~ 빠져서 요새 손글씨 연습하고 있는데요..
많이 어설프긴 하지만..^^ㅋ

요즘 저의 마음인듯 해요~

나는 천천히 걷지만, 절대로 뒤로 걷지 않는다.....

2014년의 소망했던 것들이 자꾸 미뤄지고 있어요..
그리 되지 않기 위해서 
다시 한번
마음 다 잡아 보아요~~~~~

2014년 1월 13일 월요일

hey!!! How was your Weekend?????

Hey!!! How was your Weekend?????

I went to Ehwa womans university last weekend.

This university is established by Missionary called Seukeuraenteun in 1886.

Establishment of pear blossoms means that righteous truth of God was pronounced to dark land. Pear blossoms founded meaning of that lighten light to women who get forced down in band of tradition and convention and become meaning of character, woman, and develop community and nation society and within human society beautiful harmony and dream which accomplish faithful peace which he belongs furthermore. Sublime value idea of Christian battle array ․ line ․ beauty is basic rights of pear blossoms and is persisting up to the present as ideals of education as motive power that enable history of pear blossoms.

I took a walk Ewha Womans University.
I went to building interval and sank in memory of my old days.
I was happy!

When I visit next time, I should look around a little more.

Bye Bye!!! See you!!!

2014년 1월 9일 목요일

What is your resolution this year?

What is your resolution this year?

Today is 9 January.
Time is so fast  ㅠ.ㅠ
Do you have any resolutions????
My resolution is ....
First. study Holy Bible & English.
second. Diet!!!! may be my whole life.....  ^^
I wish come true every plan!!!   Bye!!!

2014년 1월 8일 수요일

갤럭시 노트2 뷰파인더 케이스, cell phone case, cellular phone

갤럭시 노트2 뷰파인더 케이스,

cell phone case, cellular phone

한국에서 핸드폰을 가지지 않은 사람은 거의 없을 것입니다.
저도 그러한데요...^^
자연스레 나만의 전화기를 갖고픈 욕심에 케이스도 점점 늘어나는 것 같습니다.

갤럭시S3,나 4 이후 나온 모델들에있는 뷰파인더 케이스가 너무 좋아보여서
하나 구입했습니다.

스마트폰의 큰 액정을 보호하기 위해 덮개가 있는 케이스 들이 많이 나오고 있는데요.
거기에 편리성을 더해 액정부분을 볼수 있도록 구멍을 내어 준 것이지요.

저는 이런 꽃무늬를 참 좋아라 합니다.
고급스러워 보이고 이쁘지요?

그리고 이렇게 전화기의 편리한 부분을 사용할 수 있도록 
깔끔하게 만들어져 있습니다. 

뒷모습도 이쁘지요?

안쪽면에는 카드한장정도의 수납도 가능하여 
아주 편리합니다.

다만, 제가 구입한 케이스는
뷰파인더 부분이 좀 작아 저렇게 시계가 좀 잘립니다.ㅜ.ㅜ
이것만 아니면 완벽한 뷰파인더 케이스가 되겠네요.